
Thursday 14 March 2013

Pope Francis and the kooky commentaries to come

A new pope. A Jesuit. An Argentinian. Even now the fruit loops who write for certain non-Catholic fringe sectarian publications, and the suited pundits who preen and strut in their pulpits, are preparing weighty prophetic commentaries to dazzle and impress their readers and/or dutiful pew potatoes with their deep understanding of what it all means.

It happens every time a new pontiff is elected. Is this the last pope, or maybe the last bar one? Is he the one mentioned in Revelation, or perhaps Third Calathumpians? Watch world news brethren, time is short, prophecy is being fulfilled before your eyes, we may just have three to five years before the Tribulation strikes. Exclamation mark alert - we have incoming!

You just know Pope Francis I will appear on the front page of The Good News, Tomorrow's World or The Philadelphia Trumpet (my prediction is at least two of the above, but I wouldn't be surprised by a trifecta.) In-house hacks will pontificate (if you'll forgive the pun) ad nauseum.

And it's all rubbish. A mismatched confection of misread proof texts. And so very, very predictable.

Doubtless the election of Francis I is significant. Given the size and influence of the Catholic church that's hardly a surprise. But Gerald Flurry, Rod Meredith and whoever is currently churning out the prophecy-filling for The Good News have absolutely no inside knowledge or insight to share. None. They're bluffing and posturing or, to take a more charitable line, trying to convince themselves that they know things they don't.

The jackasses are about to bray. Grab your ear plugs while you can.


  1. But it's all so clear! There's so much evidence! It's almost certain this new Pope is The Beast!

  2. I enjoyed listening to the comments that Catholics who were interviewed made. The response of those who happened to be in the Vatican during this momentous process were also very positive. But, then again, although his beliefs were different from my own, I had tremendous admiration for Pope John Paul II, and the love he showed for the little people, the commoners. I'm sure, now that he has retired, we'll also learn of the good Benedict has done, but John Paul II was a difficult act to follow.


  3. But Gerald Flurry, Rod Meredith and whoever is currently churning out the prophecy-filling for The Good News have absolutely no inside knowledge or insight to share. None. They're bluffing and posturing or, to take a more charitable line, trying to convince themselves that they know things they don't.

    The same can be, and has been, said about all preachers of the Good News for the past 2,000 years. For one thing, it doesn't appear from history that the news was all that good. Unless, of course, one finds that the destruction of the entire human race (except for the believers in the one true truth) to be good news.

  4. There will be a 666 deeply detailed into Francis I.
