
Tuesday 26 April 2011

The Finest Childrens Story Bible - Not!

Concordia in St Louis, bless their Missouri Synod hearts, are about to release new product, a Children's Story Bible. With characteristic understatement Paul McCain has proclaimed it "the finest ever published. Ever. Period."

Poor Paul. He needs to get out more often.

Here's the introduction to the Genesis creation story.

The Bible begins with God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth. It tells the true story of how God made all things. He filled the world with perfect and good things. He made the world for you.

The true story. No hint of myth here. Or dinosaurs. The Missouri folk are ardent creationists.

Next to the text of Genesis 1 (derived from - no surprise here - the ESV) the kiddies are confronted with this twee suggestion in the margin.

Roll a ball or toss a beanbag with a partner.
As you do so, name something God created that has seeds.
Together say, “I praise You, O God!”

Who said Lutheran Pietism was dead!?

And there's much more of that salted throughout. Any self-respecting kid should start running now. The redeeming feature may be the illustrations. But children beware! The ideologues at Concordia explain their strategy.

Throughout this Bible, high quality realistic art from our Growing in Christ series is used to fully engage the reader, rather than using cartoonish artwork that might suggest to children that the Bible stories are pretend rather than real. 

Oh heavens to Betsy, we wouldn't want the littlies to think Adam and Eve, Noah and Joshua's long day were anything but solid historical fact, now would we?

Check out a sampler for yourself. My view: Nice pictures, beautiful presentation, but intellectually dishonest. Children surely deserve better than this.


  1. Well, there's a nice pic of Goliath...

  2. Well, the Church did provide its children with more intellectually honest material, so what more do you want?

    I know much has been made, in ex-WCG circles, about how "bad" The Bible Story was, but I can absolutely attest that I never had one single nightmare, throughout my childhood, that could in any way be attributed to the books in question. Which I started reading (the old grey versions, at least), when I was four and a half.
