
Sunday 12 February 2012

Clobbering Palestinians with the Bible

The Bible has played a fundamental role in the creation and existence of the modern state of Israel, and, some say, in the continued suffering of the Palestinian people. Today, the Hebrew Bible is used as an authoritative text to justify the placement of Israel’s borders, and to legitimise and even encourage the expulsion of Palestinians from the land. The New Testament has also been utilised by Christian Zionists who argue that the establishment of the state of Israel is God-ordained, and that its existence is necessary for enabling the second coming of Jesus.
University of Sheffield Biblical Studies conference website.

Deane Galbraith has a straight-talking piece on the abuse of Old Testament texts to justify the continued displacement of the Palestinian people.  It's quite a contrast to the largely uncritical, servile propaganda that litters conservative Christian websites.


  1. The Palestinians have their choice of some 22+ Arab countries they can go to. Most of those alive now have never set foot in Israel, and wouldn't recognize it today, even if they had. This is a cause whose time has come and gone! It is time for everyone to quit feeling sorry for the Palestinians and tell them to get on with their lives....elsewhere.

    The real motivation behind the "Palestinian cause" is Islam. Moslems cannot stand the fact that real estate which was once under Islamic control, is no longer under their power. Islam is the world's largest Satanic cult, and will not be truly understood until people start seeing it for what it really is.

  2. "Islam is the world's largest Satanic cult..."


  3. America's fervent support for Israel is consistent across the political spectrum but comes at a price: An article in the Christian Science Monitor estimated this aid has cost $1.7 trillion since 1975. Add to this the cost of 9/11 (provoked by this support): Afghan, Iraq wars and price-no-object Dept of Homeland Security which brings the total to 4 to 5 trillion. Leaving the USA with a debt-per-capita of $47.5k (the same as that of spendthrift Greece)

  4. "It is time for everyone to quit feeling sorry for the Palestinians and tell them to get on with their lives....elsewhere."

    When we look at this in the same perspective regarding the Jewish people, the same could be said about them. They already were "elsewhere" (had been for centuries) and insisted on presenting what one Jewish friend of mine called "the pink slip" they found in their chauvinistic concocted scriptures.

    Now, those people who are dispersed as the Jews were almost two thousand years ago have the same fanatical aspirations as the original and present day zionists.

    Do my children, or their descendants, have the right to go back and claim the family ranch I walked away from over fifty years ago just because my grandfather homesteaded it and displaced the Native American Sioux? What about their ancestral claim?

    I think the Devore family which now owns that property would have great objections to any such goings on.

  5. Allen, for the Jews, "elsewhere" had proven to be unsafe.

    No such adjective can/could be applied to the Palestinians' dwelling places in the Arab world.

  6. Larry said "... for the Jews, "elsewhere" had proven to be unsafe.

    No such adjective can/could be applied to the Palestinians' dwelling places in the Arab world"

    Larry, "elsewhere" was unsafe for Jews 70 years ago, but the U.S. and many other countries are perfectly safe for Jews today.

    On the other hand, "unsafe" can definitely be applied to Palestinians dwelling in Syria, Iraq, Libya and most other arab countries. Do you really think all arabs are homogeneous and not a threat to one another?
