
Saturday 20 February 2016

Ambassador Watch returns

As of today, all posts relating to Grace Communion International and its many spin-off sects and ministries will appear exclusively on the de-mothballed Ambassador Watch blog. Otagosh will continue to provide more general commentary as a non-academic biblioblog.

Why make the change? Writing on one blog with two quite different groups of readers in mind has blurred the focus on many occasions, so separating out Dr Jekyll from Mr Hyde makes good sense (which blog is which I'll let you decide). From my perspective it means, once AW has been given a modest makeover, no added time commitment; the only difference will be where blog items are posted.

The state of post-WCG commentary has changed hugely since 2010. Ambassador Watch will obviously have a more modest profile than previously. Even so, I hope it'll play a useful role alongside resources such as Gary Leonard's Banned by HWA blog and Dixon Cartwright's The Journal.

There's still a bit of work to be done to bring AW up to speed. Dead links in the sidebar have already been culled, but there's a lot to now add in. To use a gardening analogy, the weeding is mostly done, but the planting will take a while longer. Regardless of which blog you visit, there'll be links in the sidebar so you can hop the fence at any time.


  1. Is this a HWA type of resurrection? Can we expect a miracle?

  2. Great to see the return of Ambassador Watch. Will it be allowing comments?

    1. Definitely. I turned off comments when it was mothballed, but reset it a few hours ago. If you have trouble posting let me know.

  3. I have a question.

    British Israelism is a much broader subject than that within the venue of Armstrongism. The British Israelism World Federation was established 97 years ago. Apparently, they have some highly placed Protestant ministers among their membership. They have their National Bible College established in 1932.

    This would seem to be the province of Otagosh, since it is within the raking distance of the ashes of Christendom. They claim not to be a sect. They have their own track for "proving" British Israelism. Assuredly, there can be no confusion among those targeted here, particularly if Armstrongism is left out of it and there is a clean pure rendering of the topics associated with the association.

    Or perhaps there could be a dual track: One here at Otagosh and one at Ambassador Watch (although the anti Armstrongist sites might be a better venue to discuss the topic).

    What do you think?

  4. Thanks Douglas. I know that you are very well informed on BI. I've got a modest contribution pending on AW regarding the state of non-COG BI in NZ. I'd be interested in your thoughts once it goes up in a day or so.

    1. Sadly, as I have learned recently, I certainly don't know as much about British Israelism as I thought I did. The landscape is changing and there are reactionary forces marshalling to disprove all efforts of debunking it -- and some of those are in unexpected places. For a very long time, those who oppose British Israelism have simply been ignored, but that seems to be ending and there may very well be a very long road ahead for any who would be so bold as to oppose it.
