Wednesday 3 November 2010

666 - are you conCERNed?

Dr. Bob Thiel, who holds a ThD from a mail-order degree mill in India, and has self-published a book on 2012 in prophecy, has made a startling observation: "the logo of CERN is basically composed of what some consider to be 3 sixes."

Further, according to Dr. Bob, "there is potential that something developed from the CERN Large Hadron Collider could help the coming European Beast power fulfill biblical prophecies such as Revelation 13:3-4."

In the Thiel belief system, there's a "United States of Europe" in the offing which will take the English-speaking nations into captivity. What's that you say? Great Britain is part of Europe? Well, Bob has never been one to let the facts get in the way of a choice bit of eisegesis.

"The European empire is rising up. And it has many indications of being the final Beast power of Revelation. The CERN logo of itself is not significant, yet it is one more item to consider, as I still believe that CERN and/or its Large Hadron Collider are likely to develop a unique military capability for the Europeans."

You have all been warned!


  1. But I count five "6"s in the Cern logo. So what do the extra two 6s mean?

  2. Can't we all agree that whatever else it is, it's a really *ugly* logo?

  3. There are only three "6"s, Mike. Yeah, see, the other two are completely out of context.

    However, I wouldn't worry about it because the verse in Revelation was mistranslated and the number is really 616 - no, really.

  4. I imagine it is really a symbol of the tracks particles make when they collide. A very common picture. If there are extra 6s, that's good. One never knows when one would need an extra one...:)

  5. More conCERNing is New Zealand Prime Minister John Phillip Key believes Hillary Clinton is President of the United States!

  6. Paul,

    Yeah, and they probably paid a fortune to have it designed for them. It's got that IKEA look about it. Maybe they didn't assemble it correctly.

  7. I agree. I also count five of them - and the observation of the "original" being 616 is correct.

    Most prophecy buffs in the Armstrong empire and offshoots would scoff at their literature when they realize they should have "identified" 616 instead of the 666 they made many efforts to predict.

    On the other hand it very clearly describes why there are so many warnings against false prophets.

    Have a nice weekend everyone. :-)

  8. Sechs,Sechs,Sechs in the Assyrian tongue.

    I thought this was the prerogative of the Swedes?



  9. let's see....616 is the area code for Grand Rapids, Michigan. Maybe AMWAY is the Beast?

  10. Lake of Fire Church of God6 November 2010 at 13:46

    Larry said, "let's see....616 is the area code for Grand Rapids, Michigan. Maybe AMWAY is the Beast?"

    MY COMMENT - That is exactly the kind of prophetic speculation I remember from growing up in the WCG. WCG/CGI may claim to be "transformed by the truth", but nothing really has changed in the cult except little Joey Tkach is now the multi-multi-millionaire.


  11. The Antichrist is alive at this moment and living a routine life somewhere in Grand Rapids.

  12. Richard, the last time I saw him, he sure didn't impress me as "multi-multi-millionaire". And, I have known a few of those.

  13. I wish you had include a photo of this guy! It always help to see the eyes of insanity.

  14. Lake of Fire Church of God7 November 2010 at 05:17

    Larry said, "Richard, the last time I saw him, he sure didn't impress me as "multi-multi-millionaire".

    MY COMMENT: That's because little Joey Tkach never showed you or anyone else the money!

    Show us the money, Joe! You can start with the sale of the two Ambassador College campuses.


  15. Anonymous said...
    The Antichrist is alive at this moment and living a routine life somewhere in Grand Rapids.

    Nah, the antichrist was supposed to have shown up at the temple in the first century and claim to be God. But, alas, the temple was destroyed and messed that plan up.

    I reckon the title is up for grabs now. That is, as soon as they tear down the Dome of the Rock and rebuild the temple. Until then, though, I guess picking on the gay people and discriminating against other minorities will have to do.

  16. "Richard, the last time I saw him, he sure didn't impress me as "multi-multi-millionaire". And, I have known a few of those."

    More proof Larry was in the ministry, much as he tries to deny it. (For we are already deceived, see, so it's not a sin for him to lie through his false teeth to us, nope, the church hasn't changed one jot or one tittle, has it?)

  17. "Show us the money, Joe! You can start with the sale of the two Ambassador College campuses."

    $125 million large Larry; if you've known some multi-multi-millionnaires (i.e., the top evangelists in Gawd's Troo Church) in your day, where did that money go, Larry?

    I know one thing for certain: Much as you may like to shill for the church, with the Armstrongist crap you keep preaching, there's no way a penny of it is lining your pockets. Anymore.

  18. PH, you are usually dead wrong, but on this matter you are quite correct. I do not have any "church money" lining my pockets. In fact, I have never received a cent from The Church, ever.
