If you need to watch the live feed from France24, the BBC, CNN, DW, NHK or Sky News, try doing a search for World News Live24. There are other channel options there too, but some are not always available or reliable.
But don't look past Al Jazeera English. Live TV coverage is included in their app. The journos who front the channel are in the BBC mold - in fact many are past BBC staff. If you've avoided Al Jazeera because you're afraid of some kind of radical bias... relax; you're obviously getting them confused with Fox News.
I went into serious mourning when Aussie channel SBS1 pulled its Tasmanian satellite coverage which until mid-2012 also beamed down over much of New Zealand. In fact I'm still in mourning because I can no longer get my regular fix of Letters and Numbers. But SBS's World News Australia is still accessible by app. TVNZ's motley crew could learn so much from these guys...
And finally there's New Zealand's own 3 News app. Well worth downloading for the Kiwi perspective. Mostly news clips from the most recent bulletin, hopefully this app will develop much further.
Probably a 'hot potato' that tax-funded SBS was available free in a foreign land?