Thursday 17 March 2011

Mrs. God

Asherah receiving a very poor divorce settlement
Tim Bulkeley has some interesting podcasts about... Mrs. God. Across on his alternate blog 5 Minute Bible, Tim confirms that Yahweh was joined at the hip - historically speaking - with the nubile Asherah. I hadn't listened to Tim's stuff before, but whoa, this chap has a fantastic voice; professional, deliberate, paced, authoritative. Not a Kiwi accent you understand, but British (but then, hey, nobody's perfect.)

But wait, there's more: He's promising to tackle the issue of those unfortunate Canaanites sometime soon too. I do hope he stays away from the slop bucket Copan and Flannagan drink from; that would be horrendously disappointing given the build up.

Anyway, the first in the series is online - Why do you read? Or: Was God Married? I'm a bit worried about the distinction Tim makes between a historically married god and a theological entity who wasn't, but it'll be interesting to see where it all leads. Do give it a listen and see what you think.

Addendum: Tim has responded to this posting with a further podcast. I appreciate his taking the time to clarify. I might make some further comments downstream, but for now... thanks Tim!


  1. I've tried to respond to your comment: "I'm a bit worried about the distinction Tim makes between a historically married god and a theological entity who wasn't, but it'll be interesting to see where it all leads." as a podcast. If that medium does not work for this I'll respond in text mode.

  2. I had a listen, and appreciate your willingness to engage with my off-the-top-of-the-head piece. In fact, as Yoda might say, "flattered I am." I've added a note at the bottom of this posting, along with a link.

  3. Gave a listen to "Why do you read? Part two: The genocide of the Canaanites" Funny how he chooses to skip the topic altogether and harp on the statements that god truly doesn't want anyone to perish. Given these passages we are supposed to carry this as the over riding premise when encountering the angry killer god. I guess this leaves us with a loving god and humans who are so toxic and wicked that he has to go against his every desire and smite them... sort of reminds me of the abusive husband who blames his wife for "making" him beat her...
